
We are starting a monthly evening book club for all bookworms who can’t make the morning book club. Do join us for an evening of good chat and great company. 

When - 3rd Wednesday of each month
First meeting - Wednesday 16 April 2025 
Time - 7.30 pm - 9.30pm
Book - The Lost Past of Billy McQueen by Neil Alexander
Precise - (from Helen-t- reads): A Bitter sweet story dealing with themes of love, loss and grief, family and friendship, sexuality, religion and being true to yourself, set in the wider backdrop of the troubles in Northern Ireland and later on in the present time. It moves backwards and forwards between the 2 timeline as the story unfolds.
We have suggested a book title for the first gathering so we have something to discuss but from then on we would like everyone to be part of choosing what we read, so come with some suggestions of books you would like to read over the next few months and we can vote for our April and May books. We would like to carry on with this book club through the summer months if there is interest.
As this is our first meeting here are a few questions to think about to help get the conversation flowing.....
1. Did you enjoy the read?
2. Would you recommend this author? Have you read any other books by this author?
3. Was the story well developed and the characters believable?
4. Was it relatable?
5. Favourite character and why?
6. Score out of 10

Looking forward to seeing you on the 16/04/2025.