
On Tuesday 21st March, Dalkey Community First Responders came to the Club to teach us what to do in the event of a cardiac emergency. They showed us how to do chest compressions and how to use the Club defibrillator. It was a great turn out by Members, and everyone was happy to learn a new life-saving skill.
You can donate to Dalkey CFR by bank transfer:
Account Name: Irish Red Cross (Include ref: DalkeyCFR)
IBAN: IE52AIBK933340641266182
On Friday 24th February 2023, a Member had a serious cardiac incident in the Club. Only for the quick action of some fellow Members, did he survive and recover fully.
One of the things we have learned from this incident is that some people did not know that there is a defibrillator in the Club.
The defibrillator is located in the Catering Office corridor, on the right-hand-side, just inside the doorway coming from the main foyer.
We would urge you to make yourself familiar with its location, the box that it is stored in, is open at all times and the defibrillator is ready for use should it be needed.
In light of this incident, we have asked DalkeyCFR (community first responders) to come to the Club and teach us about what to do in case of a cardiac emergency. They will teach us how and when to give chest compressions, How and when to use the defibrillator, How to check for scene saftey to ensure a safe outcome for all.
This training will be free of charge, although DalkeyCFR do welcome any donations you would like to give.
All Members, their friends, children and grandparents are welcome to attend.
Date of Training: Tuesday 21st March, 2023
Time: from 6 pm
The RIYC Defibrillator was very kindly donated to the Club by the Tyrrell Family in memory of the late Dr Declan Tyrrell. We are so grateful to the Tyrrell Family for this lifesaving donation.